Test Drive Your Solo Posts

3rd Annual Test Drive Your Solo Is ON!

Are you someone who suffers from stage fright or performance anxiety? Are you someone that absolutely loves to play your instrument, but the idea of playing in front of a group of people seems unthinkable? Sometimes all you need to do to shake off the performance jitters is to get some sort of run through or performance under your belt. If you’re looking for a low stakes opportunity to run through your solo AND get some valuable feedback on your feedback, then “Test Drive Your Solo” (TDYS for short) is the event for you!

Register for “Test Drive Your Solo” here!

Test running your solo isn’t the only benefit of TDYS! Think of it as a full simulation of what your ISSMA Solo and Ensemble day will look like, from preparing a healthy breakfast in the morning to fuel your performance, staying hydrated and focused, arriving to your appointment early and utilizing that time efficiently for a good warm up, honestly this list could go on and on.

The final benefit is the feedback you will get from our incredible judges! While the average ISSMA time slot is 7 minutes, our time slots are 10 minutes, which gives you plenty of time to play through your solo and to get some feedback from judges who have years of experience preparing students for ISSMA, or have been ISSMA judges in the past.

One final opportunity, and we can’t stress this enough…ASK ALL THE QUESTIONS! The clinicians will be a great resource for you that day, so ask them any and all questions you have if you have the opportunity. Did you run out of time with your judge but still have questions? Our very own instrument specialists will also be available to answer any questions you might have too.

We’re so excited to be putting this event back on in our brand new space, so be sure to join us and Test Drive Your Solo! We’ll have more content coming out soon with tips and tricks to get the most out of your ISSMA prep, so keep an eye out for that as well!

Register for “Test Drive Your Solo” here!