Music And Math Are Intertwined

Music and math are highly intertwined. By understanding beat, rhythm, and scales, children are learning how to divide, create fractions, and recognize patterns.

~ Lynn Kleiner, founder of Music Rhapsody in Redondo Beach, CA

Rose Ray – Student Spotlight

During the summer of 2018 we visited the Symphonic Youth Orchestra to interview some of their students. We were curious to find out how music has influenced them throughout their school careers, as well as how it has prepared them for the future. Up next is our conversation with Rose Ray from Herron High School. Please take a few minutes to get to know her and hear the list of instruments she plays!

A big thank you to Shawn Goodman and the rest of the staff at the Symphonic Youth Orchestra. To learn more about the SYO please visit their website at

Music Education Provides Students Discipline

Two-thirds (67%) of Americans say music education provides people with a disciplined approach to solving problems.

~ July 2014 Harris Poll

Harry Carter – Staff Spotlight

The staff spotlight for November is on Harry Carter. Harry is one of our brass technicians and has been with Paige’s Music for about 2 and a half years. However, he’s been working with us for far longer than that. Watch his interview below to see exactly what we mean!

Music Education Lays Foundation For Creative Problem Solving

Music education lays the foundation for individual excellence in group settings, creative problem solving, and flexibility in work situations.

~ July 2014 Harris Poll

Musical Instruments and Super Glue Don’t Mix



We posted this a few years ago, but this has come up again a few times here recently.  So, we thought we’d pass this information along again!

CA glue is an ingenious product for certain applications. It is commonly called Super Glue or Krazy Glue, among other labels.   For orchestral or any musical instrument, it is dangerous and strictly taboo. A recent violin repair came in with bridge problems. The bridge was “loose” and had been superglued to the top. The result was a poor bond that failed and left a hard mess on the bridge and the violin finish. The bridge had to be replaced. Before this could be done, the CA glue on the finish needed to be removed. This is a tediously complicated and expensive task that is nearly impossible to accomplish without damage to the finish.

The bridge is meant to be held in place with string pressure and must not be glued to the top. CA glue, used anywhere on instruments will cause damage that is nearly always permanent, and is unnecessary. Please never, ever use CA glue on your instrument.

We also have band instruments come in quite often that have been super glued back together. Never a good idea! Super glue will never hold a post on or fix a tuning slide that has come apart. They must be soldered back together. Super glue is dangerous to remove and will also damage the finish on the instrument. Again, please never, ever use super glue on your instrument.

The technicians at Paige’s Music are here to help you solve playing condition problems professionally, enhancing the sound of your instrument and playing. Bring it to us. We are happy to help!

The Arts In School Significantly Boost Student Achievement

“The arts significantly boost student achievement, reduce discipline problems, and increase the odds students will go on to graduate from college. As First Lady Michelle Obama sums up, both she and the President believe ‘strongly that arts education is essential for building innovative thinkers who will be our nation’s leaders for tomorrow.’ “

~ Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education

The Arts Are Essential To The Success Of Students

“The arts are central to who we are as a people, and they are central to the success of our kids. This is not an afterthought. This is not something you do because it’s nice to do. It is necessary for these young people to succeed that we promote the arts.”

~ Barack Obama, Former President of the United States