Perseverance Is Developed Through Music

Perseverance is developed and strengthened through music education.

~ Scott, L. (1992). Attention and Perseverance Behaviors of Preschool Children Enrolled in Suzuki Violin Lessons and Other Activities. Journal of Research in Music Education, 40(3), 225-235.

Quick Tips On Caring For Your Oboe

We recently updated the care videos for several of the beginning instruments available on our Debut Rental Program. Below is the general care and maintenance video for oboes, with instruction given by Erin Nichols of the Indy Flute Shop.

Music Education Helps Develop Key Components Of Innovation

Music education helps develop originality and flexibility, which are key components of creativity and innovation.

~ © Craft, A. (2001). An Analysis of Research and Literature on Creativity and Education. Report Prepared for the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. Coventry, England. Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP). (2010). Forks in the Road: The Many Paths of Arts Alumni: Strategic National Arts Alumni Project 2010 Findings. Bloomington, IN

Music Benefits Include Invaluable Skills

More benefits of music for children include learning cooperation, sharing, compromise, creativity, and concentration – skills that become invaluable as they enter school, face new challenges, and begin to form new friendships and develop social skills.

~ © 2015 Program for Early Parent Support (PEPS), a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization

Jon Sturm – Staff Spotlight

Our staff spotlight for June is on Jon Sturm. Jon currently works in our string repair department and has been with us for 5 years. Please take a few minutes to learn more about Jon by watching his interview below.

Music Participation Improves Student Reading Scores

Researchers found that after two years, children who not only regularly attended music classes, but also actively participated in the class, showed larger improvements in how the brain processes speech and reading scores than their less-involved peers.

~ Nina Kraus, director of Northwestern’s Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory, quoted in Melissa Locker, “This Is How Music Can Change Your Brain,” Time, December 16, 2014.

Music Education Prepares You To Manage Tasks

Three in five Americans (61%) said it [music education] provided a disciplined problem solving approach and 59% said it prepared people to manage tasks more successfully.

~ The Harris Poll®, July 2014

Quick Tips On Caring For Your Clarinet

We recently updated the care videos for several of the beginning instruments available on our Debut Rental Program. Below is the general care and maintenance video, with instruction given by Sam Motter of our Retail Sales staff.