Low Brass Posts

Meet Tucker Woerner – Low Brass Specialist at Paige’s Music

My name is Tucker Woerner, and I am the new Low Brass Specialist at Paige’s Music. I have worked at Paige’s for about a year and a half, but I was a Paige’s customer since I started playing the trombone at Eastwood MS in 6th grade. While attending North Central HS I was encouraged by my orchestra director, Craig Ghormley, to consider pursuing music as a career. Along with his help and the guidance of my private teacher, Carl Hungerford, I successfully entered the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra Side-by-Side program.

While in the Side-by-Side program I met Jared Rodin, and I went on to study with him at Butler University. After completing my BA in Music in 2015 I went to the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University and completed my MM in Trombone Performance with an outside area in Historical Performance. My primary teachers have been M. Dee Stewart, Jared Rodin, Linda Pearse, and Carl Hungerford.

In addition to working at Paige’s Music I teach private music lessons and play my horns as much as my schedule permits. I’m always interested to hear what music you enjoy and why. As the old adage goes, “there are only two kinds of music: good and bad.” Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions regarding instruments, mouthpieces, accessories, or any other questions related to your instrument and the music you seek to make. I am always excited to hear what new things you might like to see us carry and what concerts and events are going on in our community.

Tucker Woerner
Low Brass Specialist

5282 E. 65th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46220

(317) 842-2102
(800) 382-1099
(317) 813-2432 – Direct Line
(317) 596-9228 – Fax