Older Adults Without Musical Experience Showed Improved Memory With Piano Lessons

Adults age 60 to 85 without previous musical experience exhibited improved processing speed and memory after just three months of weekly 30-minute piano lessons and three hours a week of practice, whereas the control group showed no changes in these abilities.
~ Nina Kraus, Samira Anderson, “Music Training: An Antidote for Aging?” Hearing Journal, Vol. 66, No. 3, March 2013.

The Who, What, Where, When and Why of Private Lessons


You have probably at some point heard your student’s teacher, a Paige’s Music sales rep, or even your student mention taking private lessons. There are many factors to consider when deciding upon private lessons and a private lessons teacher. The goal of this article is to help you make an educated decision when it comes to private lessons.

First, you might be wondering, who are private lessons instructors? Private lessons teachers are typically professionally trained musicians who are proficient at one or more instruments. Anyone who is skillful, has a good knowledge of music theory as well as basic teaching methods can become a private instructor. These individuals often teach students ranging from beginner to advanced skill levels.

Next, what do private instructors do? As you can almost certainly assume private instructors provide a one-on-one teaching environment for a student. More specifically, they can focus on playing technique, tonal quality, precise excerpts or music the student might be playing in class or even individual solo pieces for contest. They are able to provide direct and immediate feedback to the student helping them implement the best overall performance standards.

There are a few places where you can inquire about finding a private instructor for your student. Our first recommendation is always to speak to the student’s band or orchestra teacher at school. They may have a preferred list of private instructors they have worked with in the past and would be comfortable referring you. Another place to search is the Paige’s Music website. We do provide a list of private instructors categorized by instrument for your convenience. Private lessons can take place at the student’s school, your home or the private instructor’s home.

Another common question we get asked at Paige’s is when should parents start their students in private lessons? While we would all like to respond with a resounding “NOW”, the answer might not be so simple. It really depends on the student and their needs. For example, if your student is struggling with their new instrument, it might benefit them to get some one-on-one instruction from someone more adept on their instrument. Additionally, many students consider private lessons further into their playing careers as a way of focusing on more specific techniques that sometimes are not covered in general band or orchestra class. Private lessons are often essential for students wanting to participate in solo and ensemble competitions or auditions for outside groups or college. Again, the student’s band or orchestra teacher is your best resource for determining if private lessons would benefit your student.

Finally, why private lessons? The answer is simple, to help your student get better. As discussed before, private lessons provide a professional environment for your student to get focused help with all aspects of playing their band or orchestra instrument. Whether your student is just starting out or is searching for more advanced instruction, there is always something to learn through individual, private lessons.

Schools With Music Programs Have Higher Graduation and Attendance Rates

Schools with music programs have an estimated 90.2% graduation rate and 93.9% attendance rate compared to schools without music education, which average 72.9% graduation and 84.9% attendance.
~ The National Association for Music Education. “Music Makes the Grade.” The National Association for Music Education. Accessed February 24, 2015.

Everyday Listening Skills Are Stronger In Musically Trained Children

Everyday listening skills are stronger in musically-trained children than in those without music training. Significantly, listening skills are closely tied to the ability to: perceive speech in a noisy background, pay attention, and keep sounds in memory.
~ Strait, D.L. and N. Kraus, Biological impact of auditory expertise across the life span: musicians as a model of auditory learning.
Hearing Research, 2013.

The State Of Mankind Improves Through Music

It is said that the state of mankind improves through music; music not only trains but educates individuals and makes them fit for a life of community. Music is spiritual and mental food, an edifying and educational power. In comparison with sports (the motion of bodies), music (the motion of sounds) belongs to a higher sphere. In extreme cases, one encounters the tenet that music actually elevates man into a higher realm, transforming him into a new form of the human species.
~ Albrecht Riethmüller, “Music Beyond Ethics,” Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, p. 170, Volume 65, Issue 3, 2008.

Paige’s Music Holiday Store Hours


Our store ours are slightly different than year’s past based on the way the holidays fell on the calendar this year.

Here is a rundown for the rest of 2015.

Wednesday, December 30th – Open 10am – 6pm
Thursday, December 31st – Open 10am – 3pm
Friday, January 1st – CLOSED
Saturday, January 2nd – CLOSED

If you need to have something delivered to your school on Monday, January 4th, please place your order by Thursday before 3pm.

Thanks for a great 2015.  Please have a safe and happy New Year from all of us at Paige’s Music!

Children Who Take Music Lessons Show Improved Memory

Young children who take music lessons show different brain development and improved memory over the course of a year, compared to children who do not receive musical training.
~ Arete Music Academy. “Statistical benefits of music in education.” Arete Music Academy. Accessed July 17, 2014.

Children Who Take Music Lessons Show Different Brain Development

Young children who take music lessons show different brain development and improved memory over the course of a year, compared to children who do not receive musical training.
~ National Association for Music Education. “The Benefits of the Study of Music.” National Association for Music Education. Accessed July 17, 2014.