Your bridge is an important component on your stringed instrument. It is critically important to the sound, and playability. It is a beautiful thing when it is right and an obstacle when it is not. A warped bridge is not correct. Even a slight warp will cause intonation problems. The front of the bridge gives the impression of a lean toward the tailpiece. It is shaped this way to give it the correct thickness, weight and to add to the beauty of the instrument. The back of the bridge should be perpendicular to the top of the instrument.
The bridge can become warped over time, mostly due to the pressure of the strings and the drag of the strings across the bridge when tuning. It is important to pull the bridge back into the correct position after tuning. This is especially important when you change strings or when the strings have come completely loose, but straightness should be checked frequently and corrected when it has been pulled out of place.
Straightening a warped bridge is possible up to a point. A very warped bridge will need to be replaced. It is preferable to learn how to pull the bridge back into place. The bridge notches must be smooth and preferably lubricated with pencil lead. Brace the instrument against your body, grasp the bridge with both hands and pull gently back until it is straight. The bridge feet should then be flat against the top.
If it is difficult to move the bridge, then there is a problem with the string or bridge notches. Consult your technician to correct this.
Good care will greatly benefit your instrument. If there are problems, the technicians at Paige’s Music are uniquely capable and happy to help you maintain your instrument in peak playing condition!
Did you know that something that is smaller than the palm of your hand can have a huge effect on a player’s tone, articulation, projection, and range? All of these things are completely possible to achieve by just changing one part of the instrument. That part is the mouthpiece. For trombone players, the mouthpiece is a crucial element of being able to play the instrument. Without it the instrument is nearly unplayable.
The construction of a trombone mouthpiece consists of several different parts and many different kinds of variations depending on the players needs. On the mouthpiece there is the rim thickness, cup depth, cup diameter, rim diameter, throat, and the shank. Each of these parts has a different effect on the players sound. The rim thickness and the shape or contour of the rim has an effect on the comfort of the mouthpiece against your embouchure. The cup diameter and the cup depth each have an effect on the articulation, tone quality/color, and the range the player could achieve. The shank has an effect on the air flow through the instrument and has an effect on the color of the sound that you produce.
For example I have played on a trombone mouthpiece that is a 6 ½ AL with a large shank and this mouthpiece worked for me but it did not do what I wanted it to. I went into the market looking for a mouthpiece to increase my tone quality, give me a better lower range (that was what I was specifically looking for in a mouthpiece), and to help me have a better articulation. From the 6 ½ AL I went to a Bach 5G mouthpiece again with a large shank because that was the kind of trombone that I was playing on. Once I played on the Bach 5G I instantly fell in love with the mouthpiece because it helped me to achieve all the desires I wanted out of the mouthpiece.
When you are in the market for getting a new mouthpiece there are a couple questions you need to ask yourself.
You always should try out as many mouthpieces that you can and spend some time on them. The time that you spend on the mouthpiece will help you to better understand the sound that you are producing and the benefits of upgrading your mouthpiece. If you are a student and you play on a student instrument you can improve your sound in one easy switch and I am not talking about switching your instrument but by switching your mouthpiece. One day you too will find the mouthpiece that you fall in love with!