Music Helps Express Better

“I would say that music is the easiest means in which to express, but since words are my talent, I must try to express clumsily in words what the pure music would have done better.”
“I would say that music is the easiest means in which to express, but since words are my talent, I must try to express clumsily in words what the pure music would have done better.”
I’ve got some news for everyone: I am a trumpet junkie. I have always been fascinated by different brands and models and have even experienced many cases of FOMO (fear of missing out) when it comes to my equipment. I’ve taught several students and have had to have this conversation many times and have even asked for personal recommendations. Today is just a quick look at what instruments you should purchase and when, depending upon your musical path. While it is super difficult to give a recommendation without hearing people play or know what their interests are, I will give some fairly general model recommendations from the “Big Three” brands of trumpets along with a few special suggestions when needed. Today we will discuss instruments needed for those who want to primarily be Jazz/Commercial players and they will be in order of importance. (Your timeline may vary. Please consult your teacher/professor on when it is appropriate to purchase these instruments)
Majorities of parents whose children are involved in music classes also credit music education for making them happier, more focused, more self-disciplined, stronger academically and more helpful.
If you are one of the “essential workers” out there, I would like to personally thank you for your hard work. If you are a “non-essential worker” you’re probably finding yourselves with a little extra time. It’s easy to get sucked into new shows and movies, and I have definitely been guilty of that myself. My biggest advice for those of you at home right now is to create a daily schedule and to-do list. This should include general upkeep to your home and yourself, but it’s also a fantastic opportunity to dedicate some extra time to our musicianship.
Here are five online resources to keep you busy while quarantining:
In compliance with the recent executive order issued by Governor Holcomb, Paige’s Music and our specialty shops Chops Percussion, Encore Orchestral Strings & Indy Flute Shop will be temporarily closed until Tuesday, April 7th. During this time we will not have access to our facility. So, there will be no in-store or curbside pick-up and no outbound shipments or deliveries. We will be monitoring e-mails remotely and will respond within 24 hours to your e-mail inquiries.
To insure that your inquiry is directed to the best person to help you, please use the appropriate e-mail address below:
To reach our specialty shops:
We will be ready to serve you as soon as this closure order is lifted. In the meantime, please take advantage of this unexpected opportunity to enjoy the beautiful gift of music with your loved ones!
The Paige’s Music team
Children who study a musical instrument are more likely to excel in all of their studies, work better in teams, have enhanced critical thinking skills, stay in school, and pursue further education
To further clean your instrument remove all valves, slides and caps from the trumpet. You may submerge the trumpet in warm water (should be noticeably warm but not scalding hot) with mild dish soap such as dawn. Let the instrument sit for five minutes and then use your valve casing brush and snake brush to remove excess dirt and debris from the trumpet. Absolutely DO NOT force the brushes into smaller spaces such as the valve ports or the ends of smaller tuning slides. The crook ends of the 1st and third valve tuning slides can be cleaned by running water through them.
Once all easily accessible areas of the trumpet have been scrubbed thoroughly rinse the trumpet in warm clean water and let air dry. Once the trumpet is dry you may then apply your necessary lubricants to moving parts and reassemble. Stay safe!
Curbside Service Details
1. Call us at 317-842-2102
It’s best to call ahead so we can get your order or serviced items ready to go prior to your arrival. This will save you time once you’re here.
2. We’ll take your order or prepare your loaner or repair to be picked up.
3. Call us again when you arrive. The number again is 317-842-2102.
4. One of our staff members will bring your items out to you.
We are in a difficult time and find ourselves in uncharted waters. We appreciate your patience as we try to do everything we can to keep our customers and our staff as safe as possible.