Don’t Let Your Instrument Be Cold

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Over the past few weeks central Indiana has experienced dramatic changes in temperatures—in a span of 4 days there was a temperature swing of 75 degrees! These dramatic fluctuations in temperature can wreak havoc on instruments. Cold weather in particular will cause serious issues with your instrument if you are not taking proper care of it.

The Arts Are Essential For Building Innovative Thinkers

“The arts significantly boost student achievement, reduce discipline problems, and increase the odds students will go on to graduate from college. As First Lady Michelle Obama sums up, both she and the President believe ‘strongly that arts education is essential for building innovative thinkers who will be our nation’s leaders for tomorrow.”

~ Arne Duncan, Former U.S. Secretary of Education

Student Spotlight – What Did You Learn From Being In Band & Orchestra

We share “Music Truths” a couple of times a week that focus on all of the benefits that students gain from participating in school music. This time on our student spotlight, the students of the SYO share a few things that they’ve learned along the way that will benefit them in the future.

Music Education Teaches Flexibility

Music education lays the foundation for individual excellence in group settings, creative problem solving, and flexibility in work situations.

~ July 2014 Harris Poll

Dustin Smith – Staff Spotlight

Our first staff spotlight of 2019 is on Dustin Smith. Dustin is a Percussion Specialist in Chops and has been with us right at 2 years. Watch his interview below to learn how he ended up here at Paige’s and Chops Percussion.

Student Spotlight – Favorite Thing About Being In Band

We interviewed students from the Symphonic Youth Orchestra of Greater Indianapolis and asked them to tell us a few of their favorite things about being in band or orchestra.

Community, family, and a place to belong were just a few of the answers that they gave. Check out the video below to hear all of what they had to say.

We Need People Who Have Played In A Band

“We need people who think with the creative side of their brains – people who have played in a band, who have painted…it enhances symbiotic thinking capabilities, not always thinking in the same paradigm, learning how to kick-start a new idea, or how to get a job done better, less expensively.”

~ Annette Byrd, GlaxoSmithKline

Music Skills Vital For Student Success In Workplace

The skills gained through sequential music instruction, including discipline and the ability to analyze, solve problems, communicate and work cooperatively, are vital for success in the 21st century workplace.

~ U.S. House of Representatives, Concurrent Resolution 355, March 6, 2006