I get it. Performing as a soloist might not be the most comfortable experience for you now, but with more practice and the right mindset, soloing can become one of your favorite ways to play. Here are seven tips on how to set yourself up for success at solo and ensemble.
Perseverance is developed and strengthened through music education.
~ Scott, L. (1992). Attention and Perseverance Behaviors of Preschool Children Enrolled in Suzuki Violin Lessons and Other Activities. Journal of Research in Music Education, 40(3), 225-235.
Professional or advanced instruments will make you play and sound better. However, the actual instrument that is best for you is very subjective. We have students come in all the time with the intention of getting the best trumpet and mouthpiece. Those students don’t know that there is NO universal best trumpet or best mouthpiece. There is ONLY the best trumpet and mouthpiece for a particular player.
If I had a dollar for every time someone has said “marching band is a sport!” I could by the entire S&P 500. It is a truly silly argument. It’s like saying a tomato is a fruit and not a vegetable—it may be technically correct but it doesn’t have any real-world implications. You can put tomatoes in a salad or in a salsa—one of which is mostly composed of vegetables, and one that is mostly composed of fruits. See—it’s just a point of view for the sake of having a point of view. This is not an editorial on such matters—it IS an editorial on approaching music performance like an athlete instead of purely as artistic expression.
Born February 15, 1958, Christian Lindberg is the most prolific trombone soloist in modern history. For over 40 years, he has been a full-time soloist, and he has premiered works by Arvo Part, Luciano Berio, and Michael Nyman among others. Having recorded over 60 solo albums as a trombonist, Lindberg has also recorded dozens of albums as a conductor. His signature model Conn 88HCL trombone is available through Paige’s Music.
We often get questions about having an instrument repaired at Paige’s Music. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that will be helpful if you are considering sending in your instrument for service.