Meet Becky Nash – Brass Technician at Paige’s Music

We’re very excited to introduce you to the latest addition to our brass technician staff in our repair shop, Becky Nash. Learn more about her by reading our quick Q&A with her below!

Position: Brass Technician

Start Date: May 2019

Training or Education:
Bachelors in Music Education from Drake University in Des Moines, IA

Band Instrument Repair Diploma from Red Wing (Minnesota State College – Southeast)

Where are you from originally:
Pekin, IL

What instruments do you play:

What do you enjoy most about being a technician:
I love the variety of instruments and repairs I see. No two horns are the same, no damage is the same and it’s my job to find the solution.

What is the most unusual repair you’ve had to deal with:
Finding fuzzy mold on trumpet pistons is always fun, but I think the most interesting thing I’ve witnessed is a trombone slide that not only had a pencil shoved all the way down to the crook, but also a battery. Needless to say, the slide had to come apart. Yikes.

What is your most memorable musical experience:
In college, a group of us decided to pile in a car (a car that couldn’t go faster than 55mph without shaking) and drive the 6 hours to Chicago to watch the CSO play a Sunday matinee of the Rite of Spring. It was fantastic.

Participating In Music Ensembles Helps Students Focus

“The ability to focus is a key skill developed through ensemble work. Keeping a balance between listening and contributing involves a great deal of concentration and focus. It requires each participant to not only think about their role, but how their role contributes to the big picture of what is being created. Recent research has shown that participation in the arts improves children’s abilities to concentrate and focus in other aspects of their lives.”

~ Lisa Phillips, “The artistic edge: 7 skills children need to succeed in an increasingly right brain world,” ARTSblog, Americans for the Arts, 2013.

Basic Tips On Caring For Your Oboe

Last summer we updated the care videos for several of the beginning instruments available on our Debut Rental Program. Below is the general care and maintenance video for oboes, with instruction given by Erin Nichols of the Indy Flute Shop.

James A. Beckel Concerto for Trombone

Former principal trombonist of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra (ISO), James Beckel, is not only a world class trombonist. His admirable skillset includes excellence as an educator, and he is successful composer. Since his retirement from the ISO Beckel has been in demand as a composer. Below you can read more about his Concerto for Trombone, and you can hear Indiana University’s Carl Lenthe perform James A. Beckel’s Concerto for Trombone. If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the piece, click here.

Brian Travelsted – Staff Spotlight

Our staff spotlight for August is on Brian Travelsted. Brian has a unique position here at Paige’s where he splits his time between Chops and the Paige’s repair shop – all with a focus on percussion. Watch his spotlight below to learn more about him.

Music Lessons Result In Higher Intelligence Quotients In Students

A study examined the influence of music education on nonmusical abilities, the effects of music lessons on academic performance, and cognitive abilities. The study revealed that students who participated in music lessons showed statistically higher intelligence quotients.

~ Glenn Schellenberg, Music Lessons Enhance IQ, Psychological Science, Vol. 15, No. 8, 2004

Basic Tips On Caring For Your Clarinet

Last summer we updated the care videos for several of the beginning instruments available on our Debut Rental Program. With back-to-school time in full swing, we thought it would be a good time to share these again.  Below is the general care and maintenance video, with instruction given by Sam Motter of our Retail Sales staff.

If you’d like to see the rest of our clarinet videos, you can view them on our Clarinet Care & Maintenance page.

Music Is A Higher Revelation Than Wisdom

“Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.”

~ Ludwig van Beethoven quoted in “Music Is a Potent Source of Meaning,” Tom Jacobs, August 20, 2015.