Student Spotlight – Noblesville Schools #3

Here is part 3 in the series where we talked to some students a few years ago from Noblesville. They gave some great insight on what it means to be a part of the band or orchestra at school!

Ball State University Trombone Day II

On April 6th, 2018 Ball State University hosted Trombone Day II. This event was a full day of rehearsals, masterclasses, lectures, and performances that showcased all of the fine resources the school has to offer. Chris Van Hof, Assistant Professor of Music Performance (Trombone), led the event, and trombone legend, Jim Pugh, was the featured artist of the day.

Ben Parrott – Staff Spotlight

The staff spotlight for April is on Ben Parrott from our String Repair staff. Ben has been at Paige’s Music for almost 2 years, but has been in the string world for more than 2 decades. Watch his spotlight below to learn more about him.

Principals Feel That Music Education Motivates Students To Stay In School

The vast majority – 96 percent – of the school principals interviewed in a recent study agree that participation in music education encourages and motivates students to stay in school. Further, 89 percent of principals feel that a high-quality music education program contributes to their school achieving higher graduation rates.

~ Harris Interactive Poll, 2006

Mouthpiece Clocking: Voodoo Magic or Real Science?

As a brass player, there are naturally good days and bad days. Days where the instrument sings effortlessly, and days where you want nothing more than to touchdown spike your instrument into the pavement. What if I said that this issue could partially be within your control without changing the way you play?

Sizing Up – One Size Does Not Fit All

Not everyone is going to start off with a full-size instrument.  Violin-family instruments are somewhat unique in that people of all sizes and ages play them, and they are sized to fit the stature of the player.  You rarely see a 3 year old studying a brass or woodwind instrument because these are larger instruments that require a certain physicality to them to play properly.

Music Education Finds The Gold

“I believe arts education in music, theater, dance, and the visual arts is one of the most creative ways we have to find the gold that is buried just beneath the surface. They (children) have an enthusiasm for life a spark of creativity, and vivid imaginations that need training – training that prepares them to become confident young men and women.”

~ Richard W. Riley, Former US Secretary of Education

Student Spotlight – Noblesville Schools #2

Here is part 2 in the series where we talked to some students a few years ago from Noblesville. They gave some great insight on what it means to be a part of the band or orchestra at school!